

Governor-Generaln.(旧时派往英属殖民地的)总督; 例句: 1.Canada's governor-general, micha& euml; lle jean, helped to butcher a seal and ate aslice of its raw heart. 加拿大总督米歇尔让协助屠宰一只海豹并生吃一片海豹心脏肉。 2.If she can win enough support among the non-aligned mps to form a minoritygovernment, the governor-general ( representing queen elizabeth, australia's head ofstate) can swear her in. 如果她能够在不结盟国会议员中赢得足够的支持,以组建一个少数党政府,总督(代表澳大利亚国家元首伊丽莎白女王)就可以让她宣誓就职。


tamper-evident防篡改;防干扰;显窃启;显窃启标识Do not use if tamper-evident seal is broken. 如果密封条破损或是丢失,请不要使用。