

地图的英语:map读音:英 [mæp] 美 [mæp] n. 地图vt. 绘制地图;计划词汇搭配: 1、city map 市内地图2、operation map 作战地图3、relief map 立体地图4、world map 世界地图相关例句:1、He held up the map so it could be seen more clearly.他举起地图,这样可以看得更清楚些。 2、Where can I buy a map of the country?我在哪儿能买到那个国家的地图? 3、On the back wall there is a map of China.后墙上有一幅中国地图。 4、He drew a sketch map of that town.他画了那个市镇的示意图。扩展资料:词义辨析map, atlas都可表示“地图”,其区别是:1、map特指“地球表面或一陆地的图”,尤指陆地、城市交通图等,表示某些地方的地理位置、形势、大小形状等。例句:A map of the city shows streets and parks.该城市图标出街道与公园的位置。2、chart专指“航海图或航空图”,在图中标出水域的深浅处、岛屿、海峡、气流、航空线等,亦可指一切通过图表、曲线等描绘出的图表。例句:The reef that ship struck is on the chart.那只船所撞的暗礁是在航海图上标出的。


As is known to us,China has the biggest population in the world,which is more than 1,300,000,000.Such a large population causes some problems in cities,that's the unemployment.Too many people gather in cities and the jobs are not enough.Some graduates can't find a job though they have left school for years.In addition,traffic jam is another problem resulting from the big population.There are too many cars on the roads and streets.  The situation of the countryside is not good.Too many people live in the countryside and we don't have enough farm land for them.  Fortunately,our government has realized the problems and has attached great importance to them.The government is trying its best to create more jobs and improve traffic systems.Moreover,the one-child policy has helped a lot.