

英语聊APP,英语流利说APP。 英语聊APP是一款在线的英语聊天室的学习平台,学习者可以自己搭建英语聊天室,通过语音或者视频的方式与英语母语者聊天,从而帮助自己提高口语水平。 英语流利说APP里面有实时的语音评分,还有对话游戏,也很不错。上面有很多不同层次和主题的课程,供我们选择,需要交费。英语流利说APP里面不只是可以帮助口语交流,也可以将不熟悉的单词加入单词本,方便查询。


有的。这是几个评价好的英语聊天室: 1、国际英语口语突破群,该群的QQ号是7365878,那里面用的是纯英语聊天,能锻炼人的口语表达能力的,该群里有很多是英语高手,有的是从事英语方面的工作的,有的是主修英语的,能从中获利很大。 2、无忧英语,纯外教授课,提供沉浸式的母语环境, 告别中式英语,建立英语思维。 3、威尼英语聊天室,专业,聊天室里全部都是英语爱好者,话题只有一个,那就是交流英语问题。


I feel that the internet is a very advanced information networking, and simplifies the task of gathering information, once you've mastered the language, that is. I feel that learning how to use the internet takes up too much time. Almost every week, something new pops up in the internet world and that info has to be transmitted into the brain. It's like a whole new language, except that this language is constantly adding new terms and deleting the old. It is somehting that needs to be kept up or you'll fall behind in the cyberspace world.