

是blindness ,中文意思是n. 失明;无知;盲区 The fact is blindness hadn't stopped the children from doing many of the things that sighted children enjoy.总而言之,失明并没有阻止这些孩子做有视力儿童喜爱做的许多事情。 What exactly is colour-blindness and how do you find out if you have it? 到底什么是色盲症,你又是怎么发现自己有色盲症的?


visual可做形容词“视觉的”,本身也可以做名词,意为“视觉资料(指说明性的图片、影片等)” visual做名词时的例句:Remember you want your visuals to reinforce your message, not detract from what you are saying.要记住,你是要用视觉资料来强化你的信息,而不是削弱你所讲述的内容。 如果你问的是“视觉”的英文,那么可以用vision例:It causes blindness or serious loss of vision.这会引起失明或严重的视力衰退。如果还有其他英语方面的问题可以在weibo上问我,我的weibo是 英语小张