

它的名词形式是sufficiency,表示足够,充足,例如: 1.Research on the sufficiency of resources allocation in private colleges.试析民办高校资源配置的充足性。 2.To improve the sufficiency rate of the capital of the urban commercial banks;提高城市商业银行的资本充足率;


三者都是表示足够、充足的意思,但是侧重点不同。 具体分析如下: 1、enough:最普通用词,口语、书面语可用,较侧重分量或数量的足够,多指希望的满足。 如I have enough material to curtain all the windows. 我有足够的料子把所有的窗户都挂上窗帘。 2、sufficient:正式用词,侧重数目或数量达到某一特定要求或需要。 如Will there be sufficient stocks to meet our demand? 有足够的存货满足我们的需求吗? 3、ample:指某物不仅满足了需要而且超出很多。 如There'll be ample opportunity to relax, swim and soak up some sun. 将会有充足的机会去放松、游泳和晒太阳。

strong enough还是stronger enough?

是strong enough. enough adv. 足够地,充足地;十分地; adj. 充足的;足够的; n. 充分,足够;满足; int. 够了; 双语释义 adv.(副词) 足够地,充足地 a satisfactory degree; sufficiently 相当 a significant extent; fairly adj.(形容词) 充足的,足够的,充分的 as many or as much of sth as necessary; sufficient n.(名词) 充分,足够 as many or as much necessary 英英释义 enough[ i'nʌf ] adequate quantity; a quantity that is large enough to achieve a purpose "enough is as good as a feast" 同义词:sufficiency adj.enough to meet a purpose "enough food"; "food enough" 同义词:adequatedecent much as necessary "Have I eaten enough?" 同义词:plenty


enough最普通用词,口语、书面语可用,较侧重分量或数量的足够,多指希望的满足。 sufficient正式用词,侧重数目或数量或程度达到某一特定要求或需要。enough常用来表示数量或程度,不宜用于表示性质、质量。 而suffient既可用于描述数量或程度,也可用于描述性质、质量。 扩展资料 词汇搭配不同 1、sufficient 1)sufficient experience〔money〕 足够的经验〔钱〕 2)be sufficient for 满足… 2、enough 1)enough time 足够的'时间 2)quite enough 十分充足 3)enough for 对…足够的


还有另外的一个形容词sufficent也有相似含义enough sufficient adequate意思都含“充分的”、“足够的”。 1.enough 系常用词, 常可与 sufficient 互换, 它除表示“足以满足需要的”外, 还含有“数量很多使人感到心满意足的”的意思, 如:We have enough money to spend.我们有足够的钱花。 2.sufficient 用于正式文体中, 指“分量或数量足以满足需要的”, 如:The food is sufficient for a week.食物足够一周用。 3.adequate 指“足够符合特定(有时可指最低)的资格、分量、才能等”着重“符合一个客观要求或标准的”, 如:To be healthy one must have an adequate diet.一个人想要健康, 必须有足够的规定饮食。注意:enough 还可以做副词,来修饰形容词,但必须放在形容词的后面例: She is not old enough to go to school 她没有达到上学的年龄.


区别是意思、词性、用法不同:adequate adj足够的;合格的;合乎需要的;sufficient adj足够的;充足的;充分的;enough adv充分地;相当;很; This house isn't big enough for us. His income is sufficient for his needs. The room was small but adequate.