

together adv.一起,一块儿The children played together in the street. 孩子们在街上一起玩。 I stuck the two pieces of paper together. 我把这两张纸粘在一块儿了。在一起;合起来同时Don't all speak together! 不要都同时说话!连续;接连;一连The orator talked for hours together. 那位演说者一连讲了几个小时。 adj.头脑清楚的镇定的

together with是什么意思?

together with sb/sth 与某人或者某物在一起,伴随 He was together with his family last weekend.上个周末他跟家人在一起。 He goes everywhere together with his pet dog.他去哪儿都要带上她的宠物狗狗。


中文意思为一起。发音:英 [tə'ɡeðə(r)] 美 [tə'ɡeðər] 。  释义:adv. (副词):共同,一起,协力;同时,一齐。adj. (形容词):做事有效率的:新潮的,时髦的。造句1.Let's join hands and struggle together.咱们携起手来共同斗争。