

on which/in which/at which/of which/for which /by which /with which的意思,区别,用法?

你了解这些介词就会用那些从句了与which 无关,你问的就是on in ,at ,of ,for ,by ,with.的区别。 OK


for which 是介词+which 引导定语从句的结构之一. 介词+which显然与which引导定语从句是不一样的.如: The book in which there are many pictures is mine.这句话中,in which不能改为which.我们将定语从句还原:There are many pictures in the book.(in which= in the book) 又如:Mr.Li’s new house for which he paid ten thousand yuan was burnt down last night.将定语从句还原Mr.Li paid ten thousand yuan for his new house.(for which =for his new house )

for which引导的从句?

定语从句 He is late again,for which he will be punished by the headteacher


你好O(∩_∩)O~①不可以用for that,因为for 是介词 ,定语从句中that不能和介词连用。②why =for which 表原因,for which 也能是介词前置。why 是关系副词,which是关系代词,英语中有一个规定一般不会在句尾放介词,特别是which或者that所指代的词在从句中视作为介词后面的名词出现的时候,就必须用which。