

seem not to do还是doesn't seem to do?

语法上说都可以,但似乎意义略有不同。 itdoesn'tseemtodosth比较符合你的原句,理解为“不像是”。因为否定的是“好像”这个事情。 itseemsnottodosth语法上也成立,但是否定的是“dosth”这个事情,“好像”仍然是“好像”

seem加形容词与seem to do sth有什么区别?

seem加形容词,表示“看起来似乎…”,强调的是某种状态。如:She seems happy.(她看起来似乎很高兴。)而seem to do sth,表示“看起来似乎要做某事”,强调的是动作,含有将来时的意思。如:He seemed to go.(他看起来似乎要走了。)另:seem to be doing sth,表示“看起来似乎正在做某事”。如:He seems to be sleeping. (他看起来似乎正在睡觉。)


seem“似乎”,基本用法为: 1、seem(to be)+形容词,意思是“似乎(是)……” 2、seem to do sth“似乎做某事” 3、It seems/seemed that+从句“似乎……” 4、seem like+名词“似乎像……”


seem to do是似乎去做...事 seem to be是似乎成为...人 it seems that是后面接句子 The rainbow seemed to end on the hillside. 不定式一般态 I seem to have lost my car keys. 不定式完成态 1. seem+形容词 Everything seems easy.一切似乎很容易。 2. seem+名词 He seemed an honest man.他看上去像是个老实人。 This seemed to us an ideal plan.我们感到这是个完美的计划。 3. seem+不定式 The maths problem seems to be very difficult to work out.这道数学题似乎很难解决。 I seem to have caught a cold.我好像是感冒了。


区分seemtodo和seemtobe的区别是: 区别就是两者用法和意思是不同,具体的不同如下 seem to be后接形容词或名词,中文意思是似乎是…… seem to do后接动词不定式,中文意思是,似乎做;好像要做…… The figures do not seem to correlate.这些数字似乎毫不相干。 Now that you mention it , she did seem to be in a strange mood.