the day



一,名词 the day, the year, the hour, the minute, the second 等也可用作连词,引导时间状语从句。 例: The day he returned home, his father was already dead. 他到家的那一天,他的父亲已去世。 He left Europe the year World War Ⅱ broke out. 第二次世界大战爆发那一年他离开了欧洲。 I went to college the year I met her. 我上大学的那年遇到了她。 I want to see her the minute that she arrives. 她一到,我就要见她。 二,定语从句: Tom says he won't forget the day when we worked together and the day which we spent together. 两个the day均作forget的宾语(并列宾语),而且它们都带有定语从句。 第一个定语从句的谓语worked为不及物动词,the day在从句中作状语,故用关系副词when引导。 将其分解为简单句: Tom says he won't forget the day. We worked together (on) that day. 第二个定语从句的谓语spent为及物动词,the day在从句中作宾语,故用关系代词which或that引导。 将其分解为简单句: Tom says he won't forget the day. We spent that day together. the day when we worked together 不是状语从句,而是“先行词+定语从句”