

defeat and defend的区别?

defend更正式一些,主要指除了“保护”,还有“(国家的)防御、防守、保卫,(法律)申辩、答辩、 抗辩”等含义,应用范围更广。 defeat是打败、战胜的意思

defeat和beat win的区别?

beat,defeat ,win,lose的区别为:词性不同、侧重点不同、用法不同。 一、词性不同 1、beat:及物动词:打,打败,搅拌,对……采取预防措施,避免,比……好;不及物动词: 打,打败,拍打,有节奏地舒张与收缩;名词:拍子,敲击,有规律的一连串敲打,(巡警的)巡逻区域,工作区域;形容词:筋疲力尽的,疲惫不堪的。 2、defeat :及物动词:击败,挫败(某人),阻止达成(目的),反对(动议或提议),(使)无法理解,(使)无效;名词:失败,战胜。 3、win:及物动词:赢得,在…中获胜;不及物动词: 赢,获胜,成功;名词:赢,胜利。 4、lose:及物动词:浪费,使沉溺于,使迷路,遗失,错过;不及物动词: 失败,受损失。 二、侧重点不同 1、beat:beat侧重于被打败者,失败的一方。 2、defeat :defeat 侧重于打败者,胜利的一方。 3、win:win侧重于因为胜利而得到好处。 4、lose:lose侧重于因为失败而受到损失。 三、用法不同 1、beat:做动词不带宾语:There was dead silence but for a fly beating against the glass.若没有一只苍蝇在扑打着玻璃,便是一片死寂。 2、defeat :做动词带宾语:His guerrillas defeated the colonial army in 1954.他的游击队在1954年打败了殖民军。 3、win:做名词被修饰:The top four teams all won.排名最靠前的4支队伍都赢了。 4、lose:做动词带宾语:The Golden Bears have lost three games this season.金熊队本赛季已输了3场比赛。


defeat absolutely完全击败; defeat badly惨败; defeat completely彻底失败; defeat drought战胜干旱; defeat sb at football在足球比赛中击败某人; defeat by以…战胜; defeat in a match在比赛中战胜 扩展资料 acknowledge defeat承认失败; admit defeat承认失败; bring defeat遭到失败; court defeat自讨失败; complete defeat彻底失败; crushing defeat一败涂地; decisive defeat决定性的.失败; disheartening defeat令人沮丧的失败; suffer defeat遭受失败


defeat多表示“在比赛、战争或竞争中”击败对方.它的宾语常指人.如: They defeated their enemy. 他们战胜了敌人.win表示在竞争中取胜,它常接的宾语是表示game, match, battle, prize, war, election, fame等方面的名词,它的宾语不能是指“人”的名词或代词.


!defeat的名词反义词是losing,n. 损失;失败 Does initializing a Vector with an array of values in AS3 partially defeat the purpose of a Vector?并初始化向量和数组的值在AS 3部分失败的一个矢量的目的? You just defeat the purpose of studying in the first place if you try to take a test in a dozy 8 haze 9.