
pilot run与try run的区别?

区别就是 1.pilot run用法:是及物动词,接名词或代词作宾语。例句:By fully test, improvement and pilot run has been put into operation.经过对该平台进行充分地测试、完善和试点运行,目前已经投入生产运行。2.try run用法:是可数名词,后可接由at或for引起的介词短语。例句:So before I try and run my program, I test each part of it independently.因此在我尝试运行我的程序之前,我都会对它的每个部分进行独立的测试。三、侧重点不同1.pilot run侧重点:用于一般现在时。2.try run侧重点:用于一般现在时或一般将来时。 pilot run中文意思是初步操作试验;[机] 试运行 MOM should assign Production ME to join in NPI team before pilot run at least.制造部经理应该至少在试生产前分配制造部制造工程师加入新产品导入团队。 try run中文意思是尝试运行,初步操作试验;试运行


pilot run试运行、试行例句及用法1、The pilot told the control tower that he'd run into technical trouble.飞行员报告机场控制塔他遇到了技术问题。 2、Provide technical support to manufacturing during pilot run and production start - up.为产品生产试运行期间和生产启动时提供技术支持.3、Coordinating with the various departments to conduct pilot run.协调各部门,引导项目运行.4、It included the blank layout, die design technologies and pilot run.此技术特色在于高长径比, 所需要的深引伸模具技术是非常困难的.5、Assist R & D to complete pilot run. Provide NPI related data in time.协助 研发 完成工程试制, 及时提供新产品试制的相应数据.