in the past是什么意思


in thepast用什么语态?

in the past 意思是再过去,它可以单独用,也可以后面再加时间,不同的搭配表达的语态不一样,一般可以表达主动与他和被动语态,例如,in the past,we often walk to work.再过去,我们通常走路去上班。 in the past five years,she has been seen to solve many problems.

in the past year是什么意思?

in the past year 全部释义和例句>> 去年in the past year 全部释义和例句>> 去年

in the past等于什么词组?

in the past等于ago 例句 1. Real wage costs have risen by 10% in the past year. 在过去的一年里,实际工资成本增加了10%。 2. He's had three accidents in the past fortnight.

in the past什么时态?

in the past是一般过去时的标志词,中文意思是“在过去” 例如,在过去,我还从未接触过电脑也不知道电脑到底有什么用处。通快学习,我现在可以熟练地使用电脑了。 For example, in the past, I never touched a computer and didn't know what it was for. With quick study, I can use the computer skillfully now.