give thanks to allah


give away泄露;赠送;分发;分送give back归还;送还;送回;恢复give up 放弃give way让路;让步;快车先行;屈服give off放出;发出或放出;释放;散发出give out分发;发出;放出give money金钱粮食各加一万;给钱;直接给钱;捐钱Give thanks献上感恩;献上感恩的心;心存感谢;感恩give offense冒犯;挑衅give orders发出命令;发出指令;出命令;发号施令


LZ您好! thanks [θ??ks] n. 谢谢(只用复数) 短语: thanks to由于;多亏;因为;幸亏 expressing thanks表示感谢;表达谢意;北硎靖行;表示谢意 thanks for因…而感谢 give thanks献上感恩;献上感恩的心;国;心存感谢 thanks so由于 giving thanks致谢;给予感谢 holiday Thanks节日致谢 参考例句: Thanks. Maybe it's old. you know, left over from the '90s or something, From some night at limelight or the tunnel? 谢谢。 这些是90年代,或更久的时候留下的老式做法了,就像刚有白炽灯和隧道的年代? 还望能对您有所帮助!

givethanks to …for 造句?

Give thanks to the Lord, for he is good. 感谢上帝,因他本为善 Give thanks to people who have been kind to us. 感谢善待我们的人。 LET all equity investors give thanks to Ben Bernanke. 所有的证券投资人都要感谢本•伯南克。 She prayed to give thanks to God for healing her son. 她感谢神灵帮助她的儿子康复。 Give thanks to the god of gods. His love endures forever. 你们要称谢万神之神,因他的慈爱永远长存。

givethanks to …for 造句?

1.The next time you find yourself wanting instant gratification, impatiently wanting something you cannot have at that moment, give thanks to God for what you already do have for30 seconds. 下次你再发现自己在迫切期待他人对你的肯定,而又不可能即时拥有的时候,用30秒来为你已经完成的事情感激上帝。

give thanks是什么意思?

“give thanks”的中文意思是感恩,致谢,感谢。 双语例句: But no matter how tough things are right now, we still give thanks for that most American of blessings, the chance to determine our own destiny.但无论现在事情有多么艰难,我..


thanks to是由于,多亏,幸亏的意思 Give thanks to God感谢上帝 thanks to the match of yesterday. 多亏了昨天的比赛. thank sb for doing sth 谢谢某人做某事 Thank you for helping me a lot, 前者口语化.
