be used for什么意思


be used for和be used by的区别?

Ⅰ. be used for “(被)用来做……”,强调用途或作用。 Ⅱ. be used as “(被)作为……而用”,强调被当作工具或手段来用。 Ⅲ. be used by “被……使用”,by后跟人物,强调使用者。如: ① Keys are used for opening locks. 钥匙是用来开锁的。 ② “Swim” can be used as a noun. “Swim”可作名词用。 ③ Recorders are often used by English teachers. 英语教师经常使用录音机。 ④ Wood can be used for making paper. 木材能用来造纸。


be used in 一般指用在某方面,后面多接名词指用在某范围方面,be used for 指用来做某事多接动词的ing形式,be used for doing someting 或者be used to do something.

be used to和be used for有什么区别?

1,be used to意为“习惯于”,后面接动词原形,是主动语态。 be used to意为习惯于、适用于,后面接动词原形,是主动语态。 It cannot be used to bond wood to metal. 这不能把木料粘贴在金属上。 The money will be used to regenerate the commercial heart of the town. 这笔钱将用来发展壮大市镇的商业中心。 She probably has a good mind, which should be used to the full 她可能很有头脑,应该充分运用。 2,be used for中文含义为“用于”,介词for表示用途,后面接名词或动名词,是被动语态。 be used for意为被用作、用作,后面接名词或动名词,相当于be used to do sth。 This telephone should be used for outgoing calls. 这部电话用于打外线。 Some of the space will at first be used for storage 一部分空间将首先用于贮藏。 The aircraft will be used for reconnaissance rather than combat. 这架飞机将用于执行侦察任务而不是战斗任务。

be used for doing sth和be used to do sth的区别?

be used to 的意思要根据后边的形式确定used to 表示过去常常.be used to do 用来做什么 be used to doing 习惯做什么相当于get used to doing be used for 和 be uesd for sth /doing sth 都是被用作(做)什么事 used to do sth和be used to do sth ①used to do 过去常常(表示现在不再) eg:I used to swim in the lake near my village when I was young. ②be used to do 被用于...=④be used for sth./doing sth. eg:Wood can be used to make paper. ③be used to doing习惯于做某事 eg:My grandpa is used to going for a walk after dinner. ③和①②很容易区别,而②可以认为和be used for doing sth意思一样. 【be used to do 和be uesd for sth /doing sth.都可以表示“被用来……(表目的)”区别如上,动词的形式不同. e.g.The knife is used to cut apples. =The knife is used for cutting apples.


有的,但这不是固定搭配 像be used to doing 习惯做某事 be used to do 过去常常做某事 sth. be used for doing 说的是某物被用来做 什么什么么 手打,不会请追


BEUSEDTODO释义: 被用来做… 例句: Sth . be used to do sth. 是固定词组,意思是用来做某事。 beusedfordoing释义: 用于做…… 例句: I also went to the pottery factory today, which was heaps of fun for me, because my mom used to be an artist so I have always loved doing art. 我今天还去了陶艺厂,对我来说,这充满了乐趣,因为我妈妈过去是为艺术家,所以我一直都很喜欢搞艺术。