in the end歌词

in the end是什么时态时间状语?

in the end意思是“最后,总于”,作时间状语,句子根据语境可以是任何时态,,例如:Everything will come right in the end.一切到最后都会好起来的(摘自《牛津词典》)(本句中,in the end 作状语,句子用了一般将来时) She always gets her own way in the end.到最后总是她说了算(摘自《牛津词典》)(本句用了一般现在时) In the end they had to settle for a draw.最后他们只好接受平局这个结果(摘自《牛津词典》)(本句用了一般过去时)

关于in the end 的知识点?

in the end最后,和finally,at last 同意。 in the end通常指自然的结束。first,second,next,in the end