make it happen是什么意思


make it的意思是什么?

"make it" 是一个常用的英语短语,它可以有多种意思,具体取决于上下文。以下是一些常见的含义: 1. 成功、到达目的地或完成某项任务:例如,“I hope I can make it to the meeting on time.”(我希望我能准时参加会议。)或 “He finally made it to the top of the mountain.”(他终于爬到了山顶。) 2. 坚持到底、不放弃:例如,“Don't give up, you can make it if you try hard enough.”(不要放弃,只要你足够努力就能成功。) 3. 使某物变得可行或有可能:例如,“With a little more effort, we can make it happen.”(再加一点努力,我们就可以实现它。) 4. 表示赞同或认可:例如,“That's a great idea, let's make it happen!”(好主意,让我们把它变成现实吧!) 总之,"make it" 这个短语的含义非常广泛,具体含义需要根据上下文来理解。


歌词: Look who we are, we are the dreamers, We'll make it happen 'cause we believe it Look who we are, we are the dreamers, We'll make it happen 'cause we can see it Cause to the one that keep the passion, respect, oh yeah Cause to the one that got the magic, respect, oh yeah Gather 'round now look at me Respecting love the only way If you wanna come, come with me The door is open everyday This one plus two rendezvous all at my day This what we do, how we do


break it down 分解;分解开来;分解动作 例句 1.So let me break it down for you and make it simple. 让我休息下来,你把它变得简单。 2.Now it's up to you to analyze that information or break it down into little pieces and decide what to do with it. 现在就取决于你分析信息或将它们分成小部分,再决定如何处理它们。 3.Finally, having clarified your vision, you're able to break it down into a step-by-step plan to make it happen. 最终,确定你的外形,将它分隔成一步步可实行的计划。 4.All right, that wasn't very helpful. It may be better to break it down a little more by item. I'll start with transportation. 好吧,这并不十分有用。更系统的细化更好。我将从运输工具开始说。 5.Instead of only looking at the big picture, try to break it down into smaller bites. 而不是只从大的图片看,尝试打破它分为较小的部分。