healthy diet是什么意思



回答:Healthy是形容词 house是名词。 意思分别是: healthy:adj. 健康的,健壮的;有益身心的;明智的,合理的;运作良好的,兴旺发达的;大量的,可观的。 house:它可以是名词或者形容词,甚至动词。 例句 ①healthy-形容词 A healthy diet should help your body resist infection. ②house-形容词 He received a house journal. 他收到了一本协会期刊(公司的,机构的) ③house-名词 She has moved to a small house. 她搬进了一所小房子。 ④house-动词 This builsing will house twelve boys and eight girls. 这栋房子要住12个男孩和8个女孩。


a healthy diet 健康的饮食 双语对照 例句: 1. The first line of treatment for pad is daily exercise and a healthy diet. 外周动脉疾病最有效的治疗方法是进行日常锻炼以及保持健康的饮食。


healthy的副词形式是healthily 健康地; 形容词形式是healthful 健康的;有益健康的;卫生的; healthy: adj. 健康的,健全的;有益于健康的 health是名词 Doctors removed the healthy kidney from the donor. 医生从捐献者体内取出了健康的肾脏。 Her mother was a dedicated apostle of healthy eating. 她妈妈是健康饮食的忠实信徒。 A healthy diet should help your body resist infection. 健康饮食有助于身体抗感染。


be healthy 是指 健康的状态,健康的,健康例如:be healthy enough to enjoy food and drinks 能吃能喝 To be healthy one must have an adequate diet. 一个人想要健康,必须有足够的规定饮食。