Darry Ring has the most unique rule in the world,and the rule is that a man could only customize an exclusive ring with his ID card in his whole life for the only woman he loves,presenting the highest promise of “loving you only in my whole life”. A resplendent and beautiful Darry Ring is derived from our innermost pursuit for true love,and tenderly wearing the ring on the ring finger to help each couple insist on their loyalty and piety for love. Proposal is a kind of solemn and holy ceremony,So urgent but indescribable At this moment, a Darry Ring will represent your passionate and sincere vows The exclusive one for true love in your whole life
DR钻戒的logo标志是大写的DR两个字母的的组合,DR字母下面写着Darry Ring的全称。Darry Ring是英文名字,而DR则是Darry Ring的简称。 Darry Ring是什么意思?Darry Ring是Diamond(钻石)和Marry(结婚)的结合,Ring直译为英文就是戒指的意思,Darry Ring的寓意其实就是浪漫钻石婚戒,logoDR交叉设计,一高一矮,如同紧紧相拥的一对恋人。DR钻戒logo设计理念便是如此,意寓希望时间的有情人人都能拥有一生唯一真爱,相依相守。 DR钻戒独特之处就是“一生只送一人”的戒指,logo设计理念也来源于对一生唯一真爱的美好希冀,如果男士愿意绑定身份证,定制一枚Darry Ring,许下这一生一世的承诺,那就是送给女孩好的求婚礼物!