


weigh 为动词,主要用法注意两点: 1. 表示“称……的重量”,是及物动词。如: Will you weigh it, please? 请你称一称它,好吗? 2. 表示“重(多少)”,是不及物动词,也有的词典认为此时为连系动词。如: How much do you weigh? 你体重多少? 二、weight的用法 weight 为名词,主要用法注意两点: 1. 表示“重”“重量”“分量”,不可数。如: What is the weight of the parcel? 包裹有多重? The kilogram is the international standard of weight. 千克是国际重量标准。 有时可专指“体重”。如: She should eat less if she wants to lose weight. 如果她想减肥,就应当少吃些。 2. 比较 by weight与in weight:前者表示“按重量”,后者表示“重量上”。


1新陈代谢 metabolism 2瘦腿 leg weight-lossing 3减少下半身脂肪 reduce fat of lower body 4加快脂肪分解 accelerate steatolysis 5减少水肿 reduce dropsy 6胃壁受伤 injury of stomach wall 7啤酒肚 beer Belly 8黑枣 black jujube 9荔枝 lychee 10山楂 Chinese hawthorn 11菠萝 pineapple 12白萝卜 turnip 13韭菜 fragrant-flowered garlic 14冬瓜 winter Melon 15辣椒 hot pepper 16奶精 cream 17西柚 grapefruit 18减肥餐 diet meals