
for which的用法举例?

首先,英语中有一个规定就是一般不会在句尾放介词(介词后面一定有名词)。所以在碰到从句的时候,特别是which或者that所指代的词在从句中视作为介词后面的名词出现的时候,就必须用which,并将介词前置。 which在这里是指代那个the city of Washington的,后面的从句的应该写成the village of Georgetwon was the market center for the city of Washington。 明白了吗?给你举个例子 His first job is in a big bank, from which he learnt a lot of information about financial management. which是指代bank的,后面的从句是说he learnt a lot of information about financial management FROM the BANK. 所以不存在for which的用法,只是介词加which的用法。


for which 是介词+which 引导定语从句的结构之一. 介词+which显然与which引导定语从句是不一样的.如: The book in which there are many pictures is mine.这句话中,in which不能改为which.我们将定语从句还原:There are many pictures in the book.(in which= in the book) 又如:Mr.Li’s new house for which he paid ten thousand yuan was burnt down last night.将定语从句还原Mr.Li paid ten thousand yuan for his new house.(for which =for his new house )

in which,for which,on which,at which有什么区别,怎么使用,用法?

in which,for which,on which,at which的区别、使用、用法: 1、in which,for which,on which,at which这些都是定语从句里面,由which引导的定语从句,介词提前。 2、引导定语从句时where与in which有时可互换,有时不能互换,。 3、当“介词+ which”在定语从句中作时间、地点和原因状语时,可以用相应的关系副词when, where和why来替换。 4、where根据情况可以等于in which, at which, on which等。 5、关系副词若要换成“介词+which”只能是for which。

for which啥意思?

for which相当于一个定语从句的关系词,意思一般为的,而for的使用一般看后半个句子关系词词组,如果需要的介词是for,那么就是for which,如果不是的话,那么可能不是for which,这个要看后面怎么用了,还有可能是其他的介词。希望我说的对你有帮助哦