you are stupid

有人说我You are a stupid boy!我怎么办?

你可以回他说, No! I am not! 或是, Thank you, same to you too! 或是,That's very rude of you. 最主要是看他说这句话是想表达什么意思. 是在说笑,还是认真的。

maybe you are stupid girl是什么意思?

也许你是个很蠢的女孩,有贬义,而且少了个冠词a应该是maybe you are a stupid girl


you are fat你很胖 双语例句1You are as stupid as you are fat. 你太蠢的程度和你胖的程度一样。 2I think you are not thin. I think you are fat. 我认为你不瘦,我认为你是胖的。