


Color song Red, yellow, blue, and green stand up. Red, yellow, blue, and Green turn around, and Stretch up high above your head. Red, yellow, blue, and green sit down. Pink, purple, brown, and tan stand up. Pink, purple, brown, and tan turn around, and, Stretch up high above your head. Pink, purple, brown, and tan sit down. Gold, silver, black, and white stand up. Gold, silver, black, and white turn around, and, Stretch up high above your head. Gold, silver, black, and white sit down.


1、October自然拼读歌:通过自然拼读法则学会月份发音及运用 2、《你好 七月》Hello July 通过简单的歌词强化月份单词及运用 《字母 A-G 发音歌》:一首儿童嘻哈饶舌歌,比传统的《ABC》节奏感更强,更有力度,更加酷,符合孩子爱玩,爱唱,爱跳的心态 3、《Shake it Like a Dog》:配合 神狗抖腿舞一起唱跳,学单词、语句更加轻松,歌词洗脑,富有活力,符合孩子们的兴趣取向