


With you. Flappy Bird MdENY 勿念 Sea Goat 摩羯座 ゞ Promise 丶陌影 Provence つ 暗眸° GD is GOD Cry with smile (笑着哭) buried ( 埋葬 ) Green friends (绿朋友) Really.深爱成伤 离岛║Bombastic Oboe (欧巴) shine 发光 he is faith.他是信仰 伪恋°Unwanted 做个GOOD BOY Love Song You 算 What Apicallover(心尖爱人) 温浅 suk I expect 。我在奢望 ㄗerdita 失去的 Powerful Treasure 木鱼, So Cool 各自安好゛Elope Ι Believe Baekhyun.边伯贤 breathless停止呼吸 The actor [戏子] turbine°(涡轮) Govern (统治) See sea Because of love因为爱情 Stupid°笨蛋 Behind the mask 面具之后 Datyra.曼陀罗 moment°疯掉的记忆 EXO、吥変De垨堠 Calm°微笑 Cold-blooded 凉薄 Still my heart (还我心) soul 灵魂 一颗心ˉ Broken 人情味ˉ Humane clown(小丑) Ade(再见) 玩Flappy Bird你会疯i ABANDON, [放纵] chanyeol 如初heart 无谓 MaTure° solo、刻骨铭心 peek-a-boo 躲猫猫 Fairy°好菇凉


kind,善良的 warm-hearted,热心的 clever,聪明的 able-minded,能干的 humorous,幽默的 smooth-talking,能言善辩的 amanofhisword,守信用的 pure-hearted,真诚的 loyal,忠诚的 well-behaved,表现好的