

always storm阳光总在风雨后的谚语英文?

The sun always comes out after the storm. 阳光总是在暴风雨之后出现。 和这句谚语是告诉人们,尽管生活中充满挫折和困难,但也要坚持并相信,好的时光总会到来。 这个谚语也启示我们,经历坎坷和挫败后,我们应该保持乐观和勇气,迎接更好的未来。

always storm阳光总在风雨后的谚语英文?

The proverb "always storm阳光总在风雨后" can be translated to "after every storm comes a rainbow."


跟grow有关的谚语有很多,例如以下: 1. Ability is the same as muscle. Exercise is the only way to grow. 能力同肌肉一样,锻炼才能生长。 2. happy to share with people, not happy to help you grow. 开心可以与人分享,不开心助你成长。 3.passed, passing, learned that the growth of the so-call. 走过了,路过了,就懂得了所谓的成长。 4. in case of termination of the study, people will be over the progress of growth. 如果终止了学习,人就结束了成长的进步。 5. Wish we can grow up to be towards the sun, protect warm people.愿我们都能够成长为向着阳光,守护温暖的人。 6. Only loneliness can let a person grow up, i enjoy a person is lonely.只有寂寞才可以让人成长,我享受一个人的孤独。 7. people need to be growing in comprehension, but absolutely no feeling is without price.人需要在感悟中不断成长,但绝对没有无代价的感悟。


①No pains,no gains,不劳无获! ②Two heads are better than one两人智慧胜一人一人。 ③ Don't cry over spilled milk.不要为打翻的牛奶哭泣 ④ Don't put all your eggs in one basket.不要把所有的鸡蛋放到一个篮子里。 ⑤ An apple a day keeps the doctor away.一天一个苹果,医生远离我。 ⑥ The early bird catch the worms·早起的鸟儿有虫吃